Our company

About company

We create audio guides accessible from smartphones using a QR code. Flexible content, entertainment and historical information. Through collaboration with native speakers from all over the world we offer a quality product, modern and very simple to use.

Our mission

We developed an application that allows you to easily transfer the functions of the classic audio guide on smartphones, eliminating costs investment in equipment and eliminating operating expenses of the devices. The strategy of leaning on visitors' smartphones allows us to offer a service at a very low cost and nevertheless offers a wide range of services spectrum of technical potential.

  • Simplicity in carrying out updates.
  • Augmented reality implementations.
  • Innovative entertainment solutions.

Carlo Benatti

Born in Verona in 1965, partner and managing director of Juliet srl, architect, author of the successful tourist guide '100 things to do in Verona that remain in the heart', creator and curator of the QRcity audioguides project. The goal is to make it easily accessible and highly attractive audio guides for smartphones, offered to visitors directly in specific places of interest. A new format that takes its cue from the classic audio guide but aspires to become an agile and popular entertainment tool that supports the visit of many tourist attractions present in Italy.

Carlo Benatti

Partner and managing director of Juliet srl, architect, creator and curator of the QRcity audioguides project.
Listen to the audio guides now!